Emergency Generator

Emergency Generator Room 

After taking over, general inspection of the Emergency Generator room should be taken.

Emergency equipment (click here) should be kept in readiness at all times.

Critical spares (click here) should be checked.

Below are few checks of Emergency Generator room.

  1. Door of Emergency Generator room should be closing properly.
  2. Emergency Generator room door packing and dogs should be intact.
  3. Stenciling on door should be proper.
  4. IMO symbols of Emergency Generator room should be intact.
  5. Telephone should be tested at regular interval.
  6. Oil level in fuel tank should be adequate (refer SMS: generally at least 75% full)
  7. All lights in Emergency Generator room should be working satisfactory (sometimes seen fused).
  8. Procedure for operating Emergency Generator should be pasted by both means (Auto \Manually (primary and secondary)).
  9. Emergency Generator should be tested by Auto and Manually.
  10. Insulation of switch board and alternator should be checked.
  11. Batteries for Emergency generator should be working satisfactory.
  12. It should be checked that Batteries are maintenance free or required maintenance. 
  13. If battery require maintenance then level of electrolyte should be checked. 
  14. Distilled water should be added if required (in case of battery has electrolyte).
  15. Batteries voltage should be checked both condition (idle and in use condition).
  16. Blowers of Emergency Generator room should be running satisfactory.
  17. Batteries terminals should be cleaned.
  18. Vaseline or petroleum jelly should be placed at terminal ends.
  19. Mushroom vent of Emergency Generator room (Mesh and opening/closing should be checked).
  20. Emergency Generator room should be clean and tidy.
  21. Insulation Mat should be placed under electrical switchboard.
  22. Fire Fighting equipment in Emergency generator room should be regularly inspected. 

Please refer your company SMS\PMS  and manufacturers instructions.

Briefing \ training of Emergency equipment (click here) should be given in drills (click here)

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