Calibration of Ship equipment

Calibration of Ship equipment 

For safety of crew, ship, cargo and environment, All equipment onboard should be Certified and Calibrated.

Company SMS and Manufacture instructions should be referred.

Below is the list of Few ship equipment were calibration are required.

Annual calibration and  testing

  1. Annual inspection of Lifeboat davit and motor etc by shore personnel.
  2. EPIRB Shore Based Maintenance Test Report (SBMC + NSR SBM Report).
  3. Annual Testing of  Bridge equipment (VDR, GMDSS Batteries, GMDSS Walkie Talkie etc ) By shore.
  4. Annual inspection of Life Raft by shore.
  5. Analysis of Air quality of BA compressor by shore.
  6. Medical chest certificate
  8. Pressure gauges and Temp calibrator
  9. Alcohol meter.
  10. ODME
  11. OWS
  12. Fixed Gas Detection system
  13. Portable Gas equipment
  14. UTI
  15. Annually Loadicator has to be tested ( click here) by Classification Society (click here)
  16. O2 analyser
  17. Barometer
  18. Standard Compass adjustment certificate deviation Curve by shore.
  19. Magnetic compass deviation curve by master
  20. Drug and Alcohol test by Shore 
  21. SSAS button testing with Shore ( By DG shipping in case of Indian registered ship).
  22. Elevator Annual Test Cert by shore personnel 
  23. EEBD Pressure testing
  24. Winch Brake Holding And Rendering Test.
  25. All onboard crane and entries in chain register.
  26. Vapour Return Line-Base for closed choke and fittings 
  27. Automatic Identification System survey checklist With Annual SRT LIRT compliance report.
  28. Fuel & Diesel Oil, Steam Coil, Cargo line/ Marpol Line and COW Line.
  29. Analysis of Foam samples (Foam tank and engine room foam applicator).
  30. Pressure Vacuum Valve Test by ship staff (6monthly).

2 yearly/ 2.5 yearly

  1. Immersion Suit Pressure Test 
  2. Fuel & Diesel Oil, Steam Coil, Cargo line/ Marpol Line and COW Line etc

3 yearly

  1. Fire Extinguisher Inspection Shore

5 yearly

  1. Lifeboat Air Cylinder Test
  2. Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of EEBD and SCBA bottles. 
  3. Life Boat Falls Certificate (Port & STBD)Falls renewed
  4. Pressure Vacuum Valve Test
  5. IGS Breather Valve Test
  6. Load Test of Hose Handling crane, Provision Cranes, Engine room O/head crane etc
  7. CO2 System
  8. Davits & Winches 5 Yearly Inspection & Testing (and Hook Installation)
  9. CO2 bottles weighment certificate
  10. SBMC for GMDSS Equipment
  11. Ships Emergency Response Service
  12. Winch Brake Holding and Rendering Test.

    10 yearly 

  1. Medical Oxygen Cylinder Test.
  2. Cargo Tanks Overfill Alarm Calibration
  3. Draft Gauge System Calibration
  4. Water Ballast System Gauge Calibration
  5. SAAB Tank Radar Gauging System

15 yearly 

  1. CO2 System 

20 yearly 

  1. CO2 SYSTEM -100% cylinders hydraulic pressure tested

Important Notes (These points can be kept in mind)

  1. Equipment certificate are kept where.
  2. Calibration Last done \ due.
  3. Any defects  (Reported to office).
  4. Requisition for spares if raised.

Other useful blogs

  1. Meteorology-phase-1
  2. Letter-of-protest
  3. Cargo-document
  4. Working-aloft-permit
  5. Hot-work-permit-and-precautions
  6. Enclose-space-entry-procedure
  7. Emergency-shut-down-button
  8. Initial-certificate
  9. Calibration-of-ship-equipment
  10. Breathing-air-compressor
  11. Log-book
  12. Bunkering-plan-and-precautions
  13. Passage-planning
  14. Inert-gas
  15. Critical-spare
  16. Handing-over-taking-over-Chief-mate
  17. Handing-over-taking-over-of-Master
  18. Plans and Manuals
  19. P and I clubs
  20. Classification-societies
  21. Marpol annex 5
  22. Ballast water management- exchange
  23. Marpol  ammendment 2020
  24. Marpol  ammendment 2021
  25. Marpol  ammendment 2022
  26. Marpol ammendment 2023
  27. Cargo document
  28. Contents of procedure and arrangements manual
  29. Tanker statement of fact
  30. Tanker definations
  31. Notice of readiness
  32. Sopep
  33. Drill
  34. Stowage-plan-and-loadable
  35. Work-rest-hour
  36. Alcohol-testing-is-done-onboard
  37. Duties-and-responsibilities-of-deck-cadets
  38. Bill of lading
  39. Emergency-towing-arrangement
  40. Content-of-wheel-house-poster
  41. Member-States-of-the-Prominent- MOU -on PSC
  42. Triangle-permanently-marked-at-midship-on-some-ships
  43. Guidelines-for-handling-high-viscous-molasses
  44. Content-of-contract-of-employment
  45. Master VIQ checklist
  46. Iamsar
  47. Brake-rendering-testing
  48. Ships certificates
  49. Hand-steering
  50. Air draft
  51. Ecdis
  52. GP Rating course
  53. Ship Pyrotechnics
  54. Oil-spill-preparedness
  55. Maritime-security

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