Meteorology Phase 1

Meteorology Phase 1 

Below are few topics of Meteorology which has COMES many a times in MMD Exams and should be revised before attempting for MMD PAPER.

Please note below topics are not Recommendation for exams 

Tide (Compulsory Question)

Tropical Revolving storm 
  1. Track, Path, trough, vertex, Dangerous and Navigable semicircle, Dangerous quadrant
  2. Why speed of TRS increase after recurve
  3. Formation, structure, development, decay of TRS
  4. Why is the name given as dangerous quadrant.
  5. Action in case of TRS
  6. Why TRS is usually form on westerly extremities of ocean.
  7. Condition required for formation of TRS. 
  8. Warning sign of TRS
  9. What are the isobaric pattern associated of TRS (Low and Secondary Low)


  1. Causes of Ocean Current
  2. Current of south Atlantic ocean
  3. What is Gradient  and Upwelling current 
  4. what current are encountered by ship in a voyage from Liverpool to cape town
  5. Current in Meditarean sea
  6. Cause of South west Monsoon
  7. Direction of current in Arabian sea
  8. Formation of Kuroshio current in North pacific ocean
  9. Identify 2 major current and write short notes on them.

Weather routeing 

  1. Synoptic , Prognosis , Wave and Ice chart
  2. Mafor
  3. Wind rose
  4. Method used onboard for weather routeing
  5. Ship weather routeing (Objective, Factors and Process)
  6. Describe Ship performance curve
  7. Optimum routeing (Objective and how to achieve) 
  8. Difference between weather routeing and climatological routeing


  1. Gradient and Geostropic wind
  2. Buy Ballot Law
  3. Pressure gradient 
  4. Stability of atmosphere.


  1. Wave spectrum
  2. Wave length, frequency, period etc


  1. Formation of sea ice, factor
  2. Fast Ice \Pack ice
  3. Precaution when navigating in ice 
  4. Report to make when encountering ice at sea 
  5. Difference between sea ice and Iceberg
  6. Duties of master when such condition are encountered
  7. Ice acceration ( what, conditions and mechanism)
  8. International Ice patrol 


  1. Please note below topics has been taken from Previous year paper

Other useful blogs

  1. Meteorology-phase-1
  2. Letter-of-protest
  3. Cargo-document
  4. Working-aloft-permit
  5. Hot-work-permit-and-precautions
  6. Enclose-space-entry-procedure
  7. Emergency-shut-down-button
  8. Initial-certificate
  9. Calibration-of-ship-equipment
  10. Breathing-air-compressor
  11. Log-book
  12. Bunkering-plan-and-precautions
  13. Passage-planning
  14. Inert-gas
  15. Critical-spare
  16. Handing-over-taking-over-Chief-mate
  17. Handing-over-taking-over-of-Master
  18. Plans and Manuals
  19. P and I clubs
  20. Classification-societies
  21. Marpol annex 5
  22. Ballast water management- exchange
  23. Marpol  ammendment 2020
  24. Marpol  ammendment 2021
  25. Marpol  ammendment 2022
  26. Marpol ammendment 2023
  27. Cargo document
  28. Contents of procedure and arrangements manual
  29. Tanker statement of fact
  30. Tanker definations
  31. Notice of readiness
  32. Sopep
  33. Drill
  34. Stowage-plan-and-loadable
  35. Work-rest-hour
  36. Alcohol-testing-is-done-onboard
  37. Duties-and-responsibilities-of-deck-cadets
  38. Bill of lading
  39. Emergency-towing-arrangement
  40. Content-of-wheel-house-poster
  41. Member-States-of-the-Prominent- MOU -on PSC
  42. Triangle-permanently-marked-at-midship-on-some-ships
  43. Guidelines-for-handling-high-viscous-molasses
  44. Content-of-contract-of-employment
  45. Master VIQ checklist
  46. Iamsar
  47. Brake-rendering-testing
  48. Ships certificates
  49. Hand-steering
  50. Air draft
  51. Ecdis
  52. GP Rating course
  53. Ship Pyrotechnics
  54. Oil-spill-preparedness
  55. Maritime-security

#merchant navy #shipping #mariner #sailors #india #singapore # tanker #cargo #enclosespace #gasdetection #safety #navigation #ecdis #alarms #bridge equipment #gprating #gp rating #maritimeinstitute #handingovertakingover #master #chiefmate #education @mariner #awareness #maritimeinstitute #russia #crew #telegramchannel #maritimestudies #indianmarititmeuniversity #imo @sailors  #internationalmaritimeorganisation #philipines #china #emergencyshutdown #esd #cargo #portpapers #greece #usa @shipcrew @imo @maritime @mariner #indianmarititmeuniversity #imo @sailors #greece #usa @shipcrew @imo @maritime #mechanicalengineer #marineengineer #emergencygenerator #emergencyequipment

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